Our Curriculum

Children's development and learning is best supported by starting from the child, and then matching interactions and experiences to meet the child's needs. We use the observation, assessment, and planning cycle.

We follow the EYFS, following the 3 Prime Areas of:

Personal Social & Emotional Development

Children will be supported in making relationships and understanding feelings of themselves and others. They will be encouraged to take part in the life of Rainbows, sharing and co-operating with adults and other children.  
Personal, Social and Emotional Development is fundamental to all other aspects of lifelong development.

Communication & Language

Children will be supported in Listening and Attention, Understanding and Speaking. We encourage children to extend their vocabulary and fluency, by talking and listening with their friends and adults.
The setting is laid out to encourage children to communicate with each other and develop their language development at their own rate. We offer Early Talk Boost for children who need extra support.
Communication and language lay a foundation for learning and development.

Language is more than words.

Physical Development

Children will be supported in Moving and Handling and Health and Self-care. By providing a range of equipment and opportunities both indoors and outside, we help children to develop confidence and skills in moving, climbing, and balancing.
We have free flow play to our outdoor area and take part in Forest Schools twice a week also.
Health, wellbeing and self-care are integral to Physical Development.        

We complement the 3 Prime areas with the 5 Specific Areas which are :


Children will be supported in Reading and Writing. As a setting we have an endless supply of books for the children to share with friends, staff or if they want some quiet time on their own.
Rhyming songs and games help children to develop their literacy skills.


Children will be supported in mathematics. With encouragement, children will become familiar with colours, sorting, matching, and counting, which forms the basis for early maths.  
They will identify objects by shape, pattern, size, and measures.

Understanding the World

Children will be supported in People and Communities, The world and Technology. Children will be assisted in exploring and understanding their environment, both within a group and in the wider community, in order to recognise differences, patterns and similarities and to share their findings. Children also have the opportunity to use and explore our ICT equipment.

Expressive arts & Design

Children will be supported in creating with materials and Being Imaginative and Expressive. Art equipment, including glue, paint, pencils, as well as other resources are used to develop skills in colour, shape, and texture. There are of course many opportunities for role-play, this will help to develop children’s imaginations and stimulate their interests.

Our day is made up of free play both indoors and outside, with a rolling style snack served both am and pm there is a varation offered alongside fruit at all times with milk or water offered to drink.
We have sand, water playdough and creative as part of our continuous  provison on offer daily.
Within the other areas the children can take the lead and play with/ set up what they are interested in at that time.
Various provacations are set up by adults following leads from the children's interets extending these when needed.