Our Policies

For our Pre-School operates many policies and procedures of which some are listed below.
A complete set of Policies are available to view upon request.

Abusive or Threatening Behaviour  
All members of Rainbow Playgroup have a right to feel safe within the boundaries of the setting.  Any behaviour deemed Abusive or Threatening will not be tolerated.  There is a three tier system for action to be taken : Manager will speak to the persons involved, if a second incident occurs the manager will write to the persons involved, Third incident the chair of the committee will write to the persons involved giving a final warning.

  Accident and Injury
Rainbow Playgroup has stringent procedures in the event of accident or injury to any child, member of staff or adult within the setting.  We have a recording system which is monitored regularly, and records are kept on file.  Head bumps are always recorded and an advice slip is given every time.

We arrange our waiting list in first come first served. In addition we may take into account allocating places  in order: existing children can have extra days they require, siblings of existing children, Children with SEND or LAC, Length of time on waiting list, Date of Birth.

Bad Weather
On occasion, Rainbows may need to close due to adverse weather of Health and safety concerns. We endeavour to give as much notice as we can, but in some circumstances we may need to call on the day of the decision.  We do not issue refunds for site closures related to Health and Safety risks.

Behaviour Management
Rainbow believes that children and adults flourish best in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement in a play based setting. In order to achieve this we promote positive behaviour and explain to children when behaviour is unacceptable.  We have a few rules which we ask people to observe and respect.  Our Behaviour Management Co-ordinator is Laura.

Our work with children and families will sometimes bring us into contact with confidential information.  We respect confidentiality of all procedures and practices within Rainbow Playgroup and although all parents/carers will have access to files and records of their own children, they will not have access to information about any other child.  Information given by parents/carers will not be passed on to other adults without prior permission.

Food & Drink
At snack time, we aim to provide nutritious food, which meets the children’s individual dietary/cultural needs.  These are recorded on the children’s enrolment form.  Our snack times are served using a rolling snack routine.  This helps children to develop independence through making choices, serving food/drink and feeding themselves. Milk is served with snack and water is available throughout the day for the children to access as they wish. We do relay upon a £1 per week voluntary donation towards this and baking.
                             Rainbow Playgroup may issue medication to a child attending a session.  However a consent form must be completed by the child’s parent/carer before any medication may be administered and the dosage recorded at all times and signed by the member of staff and the parent/carer. When on antibiotics all children need to be off for a minimum 48hrs after their first dose.

    Payment of Fees
Fees are currently £14.50 per session and £2.00 for lunch club (parents provide a packed lunch).  We are committed to keeping our fees as competitive as possible. Therefore, in order to keep costs down, we require prompt payment of fees.  An invoice is issued usually by the second week of each term.  Payment is required by the payment date stated on the invoice for that term. If payment is not made within this period, it will result in the child being unable to attend their playgroup session for the rest of the term.  If you wish to pay weekly, or you experience any difficulty paying your fees you should speak, in confidence to Gemma. We try to be as sympathetic and flexible as possible and a solution can usually be found.
Rainbow intends to ensure we have an environment in which children are safe from abuse and in which any suspicion of abuse is responded to immediately.  All those who work within Rainbow, whether voluntary or paid, will be subject to DBS checks (Disclosure and Baring Service).  All staff within Rainbow have completed a Safeguarding awareness course run by the Early Years department at City of York Council, which will enable them to recognise the symptoms of possible physical, neglect, emotional and sexual abuse. Our Safeguarding officer is Gemma.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
          We value each child as an individual, following anti-bias/anti-discriminatory and Equal Opportunities policies.  A child has Special Educational Needs (SEN) if they have a learning difficulty, which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.  Children with SEN will be welcome, planning for the EYFS and events will take into account the needs of children or parent/carers with SEN. We use independent education plans, my agreed outcomes, and careful assessment alongside parent/carers and other professionals involved with the child, can best determine the child’s needs with regards to Early Years Action or Early Years Plus. We have members of staff who have qualifications and experience with SEN Gemma is our SENCO. We also have a contact for Looked after Children (LAC officer – Gemma), who will liaise with all necessary professionals when a LAC is accessing sessions within Rainbow Playgroup.  The LAC will undergo the necessary training needed and keep up to date with all relevant changes in policy.

Two Year Old Progress Check
The Early Years Foundation Stage requires that parents and carers must be supplied with a short written summary of their child’s development in the three prime areas of learning and development: Personal Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development and Communication and Language.  This should be completed by the child’s key person when the child is between 24-36 months. We allow the children to settle and become comfortable with us before we carry out this check.